Collects, washes, irons, and returns the linens that are used during Mass.
Altar Servers
Ministers at God’s altar and stands ready to serve and assist the priest before, during, and after Mass.
Bereavement Ministry
Renders support to parishioners who are dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Counting Team
Counts, records, and deposits the financial offerings of parishioners and visitors.
Eucharistic Adoration
Dedicates an hour or more of praise and worship before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament on most Thursdays.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assists the priest at Mass in distributing the Body of Christ to the faithful in Holy Communion.
Funeral Receptions/Hospitality
Sets up, cleans up, and hosts receptions for funerals and other parish events.
Gift Shop
Provides a convenient way for people to purchase books, jewelry, art, and other spiritual items to foster their faith and prayer in the Catholic tradition while supporting Our Lady of the Mountains.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (aka Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Prayer Chain
Prays for others in time of need, loss, illness, praise, and thanksgiving.
Prepares the church for the celebration of Mass and stores the sacred items after Mass.
Spanish Speaking Community Ministry
Assists the Hispanic parishioners to increase their involvement in the sacraments and build community within our parish while honoring their traditions.
Sunday Bible Study
Read, study, and discuss sacred scripture with members of our parish family on Sunday mornings.
Welcomes people coming to Mass; assists during emergencies; gathers and secures the collections; ensures the presentation of the gifts; and assists people during Mass, including during Communion.